Greenhouselake’s Impressive Comeback, “BBB”

After a long break, listeners are ecstatic about the return of Greenhouselake. The band released their newest single “BBB” off of their upcoming album SMOOCH. Being the band’s first single since April 2020, it is no wonder that people have been sitting at the edge of their seats eager to hear more music from them. The group has stated that a new single from their debut LP will be released each month until the end of the year. 

Greenhouselake made their comeback last May at the final Radioshack show. The band had previously taken a several-year-long break after members’ lives shifted with Covid-19 and other circumstances. They decided it was time for a revival for the final show at Radioshack which guitarist Caleb Couri played a key role in hosting. The band was overwhelmed by the turnout and energy poured out by the crowd. After such a long break, they weren’t sure if the demographic would be the same as shows they had played in the past, but fans showed up remembering and screaming out all the words.

Since then, Greenhouselake has been busy playing shows in New Paltz, Philadelphia, and New Jersey. A week ago, they announced that they have been working on SMOOCH, a record made about the transitions they faced during the pandemic and kissing their pre-pandemic lives goodbye. “BBB” pays homage to that as a reminiscent track about how their lives were, along with the need to let go of that era in their lives to move on to bigger and better things. 

Greenhouselake is known for their influence on the DIY community in New Paltz through house venues such as Crossroads which members of the band played a part in hosting. In “BBB”, vocalist Elijah Bloome touches on this as he explains that regardless of the time spent away from New Paltz, he still imagines himself, “back in the basement on that stage [they] built [themselves]”. The track goes on to tell listeners that they didn’t feel like they had time to properly say goodbye to that era due to the quick changes brought upon them. “BBB” serves as a way to finally close out that time in their careers so that they can heal from it. 

Now that the group has finally been able to bury that past with a “proper funeral” they can continue to advance themselves both as individuals and as a band. The goodbyes in “BBB” are not goodbyes to Greenhouselake, but rather to their younger selves. They still have much more music to share with the world through SMOOCH and future projects. Be on the lookout for Greenhouselake as they make their highly awaited return to live shows and new releases.


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